How's My Dealing? 2.0

Worldwide Reviews by Artists for Artists of Galleries, Art Fairs, Mail Scams and more.


Caprice Horn Gallery

A reader sent in this comment, please add if you have had experience here “We have had several artists complain about Caprice Horn Gallery, Berlin, Germany. She had sold art and not paid the artists. She had damaged art and not paid for repairs. She had blamed theft of images but did not pay the artist the insurance money. In one instance she had the wall painted with the art hung and ended up with white paint splatter on the prints and did not pay for repairs. She shipped work back to the USA and did not pack properly so…

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James Stroller

Another letter from an artists, has anyone had experience with this man? “Thank you so much…Have you ever heard of a guy called James Stroller?..He has been claiming to want to represent my work in New York…..”

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Blink Artist Resource

A reader sent in this comment, does anyone have experience here? “Have you heard of Blink Artist Resource? I am involved with them and I feel they may be in this group you have mentioned (pay to play)”

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Debut Contemporary

This is a letter I received, please add to the comments if you know this gallery of have more information. This is one letter that came in about them “about a dozen of my colleagues have been in touch with them (Debut Contemporary) as they have a lot of agents lurking around (I think artists are offered discounts if they bring people in) and several of them are suing the owners or thinking of suing them. Their true offer is quite well camouflaged unfortunately. I was told there was a fee of £400 when I met them years ago, which I…

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Totally Artistic, Inc

This gallery was run by Scott Shane of Woodland Hills, CA. It was first called the Visual Arts Gallery and then changed its name to Totally Artistic, Inc. Scott (aka Shane) had a contract drawn up that each artist who paid for a membership, were required to donate a piece of their art to the organization so that Shane could use it to represent them and market their art. When the organization went under about 4 years later, Shane kept all of the art work and never returned it to the artists. He used it to decorate his home in…

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Amsterdam Whitney

AN artist said upfront costs for this gallery were in the thousands, any first hand experience with this gallery? Here is one letter I received about this gallery “One gallery in New York, who tried that game on me, is the Whitney International Gallery in Chelsea (Amsterdam Whitney) , New York. I think you should add them to the list. They had a upfront fee and a contract for $2,500. and 60%

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Has anyone had experience with this gallery? One artist said they required big upfront fees?

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Gallery Godo

There are pay to play galleries everywhere. In LA there are a host of them, and Gallery Godo is surely one. It is important to understand that there are implications beyond the mere handing over of your hard earned cash when it comes to signing with these galleries. Often, having an exhibition in a pay to play is a stain on your artist CV. These venues have grown to have reputations throughout the art world that precede any artist who has dealt with them.

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