Caprice Horn Gallery
A reader sent in this comment, please add if you have had experience here “We have had several artists complain about Caprice Horn Gallery, Berlin, Germany. She had sold art and not paid the artists. She had damaged art and not paid for repairs. She had blamed theft of images but did not pay the artist the insurance money. In one instance she had the wall painted with the art hung and ended up with white paint splatter on the prints and did not pay for repairs. She shipped work back to the USA and did not pack properly so all the art was damaged. Several artists had sued her but unless you are a German citizen you will not receive anything from the German courts but the attorneys sure get paid to loose.
Beware of this woman and gallery.”
Giampaolo Abbondio
She sold some works i gave her on consignment from my gallery, Galleria PACK in Milan, Italy. She has disappeared without paying me or returning the works. Does anyone know anything about this woman?