NYC Artwalk
an “art fair” where an organization that claims in it’s own words “is not affiliated with any art collectives nor artist-run organizations” contacts artists via instagram to apply to be displayed at their various exhibition locations. The exhibitions that artists pay for are posters pasted up against scaffolding and the outside border of outdoor dining areas – so in some places, the middle of the street. They target people who are not able to actually see the work in person, i.e international artists from Kenya, etc. Usually these take place nearby where a legitimate art fair is going on. So it’s similar to attempting to display the posters, without paying the entree fee for the actual exhibit. Their marketing even states “will be displayed near another art event going on at the same time”
The fee to apply is non refundable (~$60) plus anywhere from $700 and more to have the work up. This is for poster board pasted to restaurant barriers. If the company’s online presence had thousands of followers, it may be one thing for the exposure, but its not. Their two sponsors are very vague, one which is simply a “pay for sponsored press release or art review” site with no press releases and is under the same domain registration as the Artwalk is. None of the artists have gotten any monetary benefit from participating, nor any increase in social media exposure. It’s literally a scam run by a woman who, indeed is an artist, but paints outside of vetted, pre-organized art fairs instead of displaying her work inside. I can’t imagine how another artist could so callously be okay with taking advantage of other people who want their work out there.
I want to thank Susana for the great opportunity of having displayed our works at the Hamptons Fine Art Fair, the New York Times Square, Harlem, Queens, Upper West Side, Brooklyn, and at the Tribeca Show 2023. I want to reiterate that no monetary fees were ever asked from any of us Kind regards Ian.”
— Ian Banja @ianbanja -
I’m from Kenya. This posr makes reference to me and my friends. I’m grateful to NYC Artwalk and to Susana. When Susana found me she brought my work to be exhibited on posters in Brooklyn, Queens, the Upper West Side, Times Square, and Harlem at no cost to me. She also had NYC Artwalk include my work at the Hamptons Fine Art Fair and Tribeca Art Show 2023 at no cost to me. I really appreciate that she also bought my work to support my artistic career, she even catered for the shipping costs of my art works. i was also excited to see my works on Artsy, something that was possible through Susana and NYC Artwalk at no cost. NYC Artwalk gave me many opportunities at no cost, it has been a dream come true . My portfolio has been dependent on Susana. I, as an artist from informal settlement in Kibera, am glad i met Susana and am looking forward to more opportunities.
— Clinton Odhiambo (Clinton Artisto)
@clinton_artisto -
I took part of the Exhibitor Posters in Brooklyn, Queens, Upper West Side, Times Square, Harlem, and others, the Hamptons Fine Art Fair, Tribeca Art Show 2023, as well as being listed on Artsy. This was all done possible by Susana Aldanondo and the NYC artwalk without any cost/payment from me. Additionally, some of my paintings were also purchased by Susana. Thanks for the ongoing support.
— Petrix @petrixarts -
To whom it may concern,
Someone brought to my attention that your organization is posting public defamatory comments about myself and my former company.
Per the post, and information contained within it, this is directly related to your organization.The comment has been reported to Google, the blogger and their legal team.
I ask that this type of behavior which constitutes slander stop immediately, as it may hinder my network, educational, and/or work prospects currently and in the future, as well as cause defamation.
Should this type of behavior not cease and desist, you will be contacted by my lawyer.
We have reached out to the blogger to request the post be taken down due to its identity disclosing information, slander and possible damage to my character.
I ask that you ensure you delete this post immediately.
I make this request to you in confidentiality.
I ask that you provide the email and ip address of the person who made that post.
Further, you will be responsible for damages caused, on a business as well as personal level.
You will be hearing from NYC Artwalk’s legal counsel and Susana Aldanondo’s legal counsel.As always I wish you and your organization continued success.
Susana Aldanondo
If it is free, why is this part of the application for artist to enter? -this is from this webite as mentioned by artists here - The form excerpt below is from here –
ONE DAY SOLO SHOW $1999 (30seconds each hour for a fulL 24 hour period)
ONE DAY SOLO SHOW FULL 60 seconds $2699 (your images will run for a full 60 seconds each hour for a full 24 hour period.
TWO DAY SOLO SHOW $4999 60 seconds every hour for 2 days.
Artist must agree that all fees, submission fee and participation fee, are non refundable.
This was obviously written by the people at ArtaGowanus. They paid artists $50 to do the same kind of exhibitions and used the word ARTWALK.
The guy running ArtsGowanus uses the funds they get from sponsors and also uses the connections to promote his own work and get press for himself.
He was pissed this company had this type of exhibitions with posters so he couldn’t claim it as his own and is trying to slander thar amazing artist and this great way to have artists be discovered.
The artista from Kenya participated from that artist waiving fees. So many NYC based artists were featured who took pictures and saw their posters and returned to be featured AGAIN.
I know the artist and know the guy ArtaGowanus, he even damages the posters when he sees them!
Be careful, slander is a legal issue. -
First become educated on what a scam is.
The review may have been written by a malicious person or entity.
All participants have been featured and were in agreement with having their work displayed as posters at the participating venues.
This type of show happened during covid and happens to continue because artists like this type of feature.
We have also shown at art fairs like the Hamptons, in TriBeCa, we’re known and promoted by art schools.Not everything you read is well intended nor true.
We list our participants on Artsy.
The person the post criticizes is also well known in the art-world, well known at NY art schools as well.
These are details your lawyer will necessitate.
My namemis Armin Armirian from Iran. I never had to pay any fee to participate. NYC Artwalk never requested any moneu from me. Susana mde this possible. She’s a great person. You should delete this defamatory post. It is posting false information about a good person and a cool company.