Has anyone had any experience with Art.Number23, uk based gallery and virtual exhibition space?
Thank you
I exhibited with them a few years ago in Athens. Well, it is a vanity gallery, but it is fine for the beginning of an artistic career. They treated my work well and gave them enough space, there were many people at the opening and I got a few followers on Instagram, and good photos of my work exhibited. The price was 70 euros and it was much cheaper than other vanity galleries. So if you starting your CV, and would like to make the first steps in other countries it is not a bad choice.
Art Number 23 failed to impress me in every way. The gallery space was cramped, making it uncomfortable to navigate. The art pieces felt randomly thrown together without any thought or curation. A very disappointing visit.
I had high expectations for Art Number 23, but my visit was thoroughly disappointing. The staff were rude and unhelpful, and the artwork on display felt amateurish. It’s clear that the gallery prioritizes quantity over quality. I won’t be returning.
Hi everyone, I’m writing on behalf of a friend who is one of the artists featured in the Tokyo exhibition.They found dealing with the organizers to be very difficult.
These organizers are major scammers, and my friend is looking for ways to warn others against getting involved with them. They advertise this as a collaboration with local artists and curators, but there was no collaboration, no exposure, and nothing of substance. Avoid them at all costs, and we hope they get what they deserve.
I cannot believe they have the audacity to also present more shows in tokyo for 2025.
For those who are trying to warn others please help spready the word and make a public review on their google page!
This is really bad. I think a large group of artists that exhibited and were supposed to exhibit in the Tokyo exhibition this June is already organizing themselves against this man and his gallery.
I was at the opening of the exhibition the 7th of june and I’m here to share some facts.
We got an email from Art Number 23 with a poster for the Tokyo expo June 2024 containing 121 names. When we were there was maybe a maximum of 50 artists (which is a high estimate). The Design Festa Gallery (the place where it was hosted) has a post on their website with pictures of the exhibition ( You can count the amount of works in the images, which is around 71. I did not include the EAST 301 part of the exhibition because I didn’t see this part and was not aware that was part of the exhibition. No one can even know because there’s no clear information on what’s part of the exhibition and what not.
So we are dealing with 121 advertised artists, but with a significant lower amount of works. Where are the works of the remaining artists? On Google Reviews on the London and Athens ”based” galleries there are too many reviews of people stating that their art was never shown on the events and/or even returned to them after the events. It seems like the gallery is deliberately not showing works. We also got messaged by another artist who arrived one day after the opening only to discover that her works were not there. New artists pay for an oppurtunity to be shown, but if they don’t show up in person to check this, Art Number 23 will not bother to hang it.
We were told in an email that the fee for exhibiting includes transport, advertising, printing, drinks, and venue hire. Firstly, we brought the art ourselves, secondly, there is almost no advertising, thirdly, nothing was printed (for example name tags next to artworks, or even a small flyer), fourthly, there were no drinks, we had to buy everything ourselves. That only leaves venue hire. With 121 people paying 260 euro. They do nothing to promote the artists, and it’s not clear that the works are for sale.
Design Festa Gallery clearly shows the rates for hiring their spaces on their website (room 2A 2B and 2C cost 330000 yen for a week, which is approximately 2000 euro’s. That’s a nice 29000 euro’s of profit on only hiring a venue, as its clear that the majority of artworks are not even shipped and presented in the exhibitions. This is also happening a couple of times a year. Not only Tokyo but other cities. All made possible by non-established artists who are just trying to make something out their work.
Sorry to conclude that this man and his gallery is parasiting of new artists. Really the lowest of the low. And the man, Constantine Anjulatos, walks around on the opening in designer clothes. Almost rubbing in everybody’s face that he is profiting of them.It would be great to shame and ruin this man’s career with legal action, social media offensive or any kind of obstacles you can throw in this man’s direction.
His legal name is the one seen on the link you posted and not Anjulatos.
As you can see on the companies house link posted below in the comments his UK based company has now been dissolved.
As he has not had an event in the UK for years I can only assume he’s now legally talking based in Greece.
hey guys,
I just read all the comments and have to say, if anybody wants to stand against this fraud, please get in contact.
i was supposed to exhibit at Tokyo from 7.6.-14.6.24 and was wondering why nothing was shown online at opening night. I wasn’t able to be there personally. I saw a post of another artist there telling that her art wasn’t shown for whatever reason. Got in contact with her and found out, that my (which was delivered through myself in time) 4 pieces also weren’t exhibited.
I emailed Constantine how the opening was and why there is no coverage or naming at all. Mikey responded and said everything is great, footage will follow. After this statement I knew they were lying. my art wasn’t there so …. I emailed again and said how can it be great when your service I paid for wasn’t done, because my art wasn’t shown. I told them if that’s the case we have a big problem. If not they should send me pictures of my art on the gallery walls. They didn’t do that. just said I should send my delivery infos.
So now I got in contact with 67 other artist on this Tokyo exhibition trying to find out how many others experiencing the same. I will raise my voice! it will be loud and if anyone wants to join, please be my guest. Its not just the scam that’s fucked up, its the disrespect, the damage of reputation and our work, but most of all we all artist try our best and guys like this try to make a dollar out of us. I simply cannot stay quiet. So yeah if you wanna say something too, please get in touch.
Thank you!
Hello Guys, i am one of the artist for Tokyo exhibition in June 2024. Although works are shown since the opening night, most likely because i was able to personally delivered them and attend the opening night. But i must say dealing with them was not the easiest thing. They did not give clear information since the beginning (regarding shipping etc) and when being asked questions they’re not helpful AT ALL! And after i decided to deliver my works and pick it up myself (cause i dont trust them), i ask for refund – and they coldly say we’re giving no refund. They said the fee we paid was for marketing materials etc – there were none at all. They didnt even print label for each artists highlighting their name, stories and work under each artwork . They instead printed a qr code on a piece of paper hanged by the door. They are indeed HUGE scammers, i am looking for ways to warn people to not get involved with them. They sell this as a way of collaborating with local artist and curator – there were none, no collaboration, no exposure, nothing. Stay away from them and i really hope the universe giving them back what they deserve 🤬.
I exhibited for a week in Athens in Artnumber23 gallery.
And I never got my three works back, they are still in Athens.
They haven’t responded to emails since.Today they are doing exhibitions in Japan at the Design Festa Gallery.
And I’m afraid that all these people will never find their works again. But one thing is clear, we should warn the Design Festa Gallery gallery in Tokyo that they are scammers.
On their website there are several ways to contact them.And flood social networks to warn that Constantine Anjulatos is a crook.
The artists are so nice. I’m not like that, I’m going to start making his life hell. -
Hah, I will only contribute this:
Why do you think that is, a London based organisation as they claim to be accept payments in euro?
Because they have been lying about it al together. They have not had a show in London for at least 5 years.
You can see that they have not been really trading as a company in the UK by checking companies house: would you want to work with a gallery when the first thing they do is lie to you because pretending to be based in London polishes their image.
I will tell you this Constantine, maybe you were smart enough to make your business appear closed on Google just so you can avoid all the negative reviews but the same thing cannot happen here.
We have had the worst experience in their Rome event and I still have not received my art back from what is a complete scam and a joke of a company, if they are even a legal entity.
Hello to all artists and like-minded individuals who have had to deal with Artnumber 23, Constantine Anjulatos, and/or the Holy Gallery.
There is currently an exhibition in Tokyo in which I and over 67 other artists were “supposed” to participate. This exhibition is riddled with errors, false statements, and fraud. At present, around 30 artists have joined forces not only to take legal action but also to go public and fight Constantine with his own weapons: RESISTING WITH OUR ART!
There is a task force to which we gladly invite anyone who has had experiences similar to ours. Anyone who feels the urge to resist and do more than just file a report that leads nowhere. Please get in touch with me/us, share this information with other affected individuals, and let us put an end to this SCAM together.
Anyone who wants to get involved, anyone with questions, etc., please feel free to reach out at
Stay strong and many thanks.K.
I have also previously scammed by Constantine.
My research however shoes that Art Number 23 is not the same business as The Holy Art, just look at companies house: by the way is his legal surname if you do want to proceed with the legal case. I have been told by himself that Anjulatos is an artistic surname.
Happy to have found you guys!
My artwork was never exhibited and has since gone missing for a supposed show in Barcelona in January 2024 that never happened.
Constantine is nowhere to be seen, impossible to reach, no refund and will never see my art again.
1. I asked for a letter from Athens gallery just to confirm I had Exhibition with them , They asked me to compose the letter and then they review and sign it, I told the I have deadline and need it very soon! It was ready just for fill the gaps and , paste in letterhead and sign!). They didnt reply back.
2.My work arrived late To Athens and they were not available to received it and took 3 weeks to take it from post (I followed up many times by email and they notice me 1 week after they recieved it), during that 1 month I was very stressed what happened to my art work.
3. I asked Athens Gallery to send the artwork to Barcelona, the event date was sooner than Athens, I emailed many times but they didn’t answer, I asked Laura from Barcelona to email them, she mentioned they didn’t answer her email either! wasted my time about 2 months and they said send Barcelona another artwork! its time consuming for us to send your artwork. first exhibition They displayed 44 of my 70 pieces and not on wall, on a table like a corpse, they have numbers and must be in specific directions but they didn’t bother to put them even in the right direction! then mentioned we exhibit your artwork again! they did but still in poor way! I prepared a paper template and the install was so easy.
5. since 30 October (46 days till now) I emailed the Barcelona Group 4 times and asked about their next event(I paid for that!). no reply back yet!!!!
I am really worry about my artwork and the money I paid for the barcelona and tokyo exhibition!-
Hi, did you receive any answer about the Tokyo exhibition? I have applied, and I am very curious to know your experience.
I seem to be the odd one out here, but I had a good and easy experience exhibting with them in Barcelona. Although the owners / gallery staff didnt make any effort to talk to artists on the opening night, which is the only flaw I found.
Me too i had good and easy experience with Art Number 23…🤔 Constantine always answered my e-mails and messages.
I send work there in May and still haven’t got it back … sometimes they replied to my emails but mostly ghosted me. I think I will go to the police now. Avoid.
Totally unprofessional to deal with, Laura Sottosanti has been the least professional person I’ve ever had to deal with in my career. Avoid, they are criminals and will get what they deserve in time. I think they just sell the art and keep the money for themselves.
I have been participating in one of their shows in Barcelona. To date, I have never received my at back despite numerous of emails, requests, and so on. They have 4 paintings from me that are worth thousands, as any artist I cannot bear the loss of my work. I would NOT recommend working with them, at all!
Appreciate these replies and the consistency of each one. I was actually browsing and found the “holy art” to be quite compelling. Thanks for letting me know otherwise. Seem to be quite a few disgruntled artists here. Seems like finding a way to make our own exhibition would be a nice F**K Y** to these scammers. How all’s well all!
I’m just after seeing this and think now that my art has been stolen. Worth thousands. I would avoid this organisation at all costs.
Now operating as The Holy Art . Com At Art.Number23 I found them through artsnet and on their very first opening show I exhibited a 1/1 exclusive ceramic I made that is impossible to ever make again and it was stolen by Constantine.
He denied even seeing it at first claiming a cleaner threw it out, after I got artsnet involved suddenly that changed to I will hunt up and down on all floors “I may have misplaced it”It never shown up and he ceased replying to artsnet communication and soon stopped replying to me.
One of my biggest art losses happened by exhibiting at The Factory and I can’t believe I came across it under the new name The Holy Art tonight while looking for Chinese Art galleries with international exchanges!!
So far from HOLY that much I will tell you, and I SERIOUSLY hope nobody else falls to Constantine and his scamming ways.
“It’s actually funny but, when I realised how much of a RED ALERT he is, was when I went to the opening and took a cig break, he came downstairs too,.
Now I at the time was a raging substance misuser and can talk the legs of a donkey. When I saw his hands shaking and the sniffling I suddenly thought “oh Nooooo. He’s a raging coke fiend”, and then he started chatting at me. Not with me! Talking absolute conkers…blah blah blah waffle waffle and nothing was in relation to my first question!that was the moment I thought, my artwork is seriously at risk here. My treasured ceramic casting of a Jeffrey West boot. Sentimental and with a high value, still another week to go of the show so no way could I take it home on the train to Manchester from London and that was my very first art exhibition experience
This Constantine is the owner of the Holy Art Gallery? There’s no mention of the owner on their website, which is very fishy. I was wondering that the owner has a past they want to hide desperately.
There’s another thread for the Holy Art Gallery:
Back to Art Number 23 and it’s open call to Rome, which is not featuring on the website:
I am being chased for payment, which is fair enough, but to each of my requests for info/assistance on shipping I get a variety of answers from not understkng what I say, find out yourself or we have sent it. I note that in an email of 6 Feb:We are currently working with the gallery in Rome, in order to make all the arrangements about the transportation/shipping of the artworks and any printing/framing servicesthat some artists may need. We will send you a PDF with all the necessary information very shortly!
I haven’t received this info and am told that it has been issued. I have asked for it to be sent again …
I was advised that the shipping information had been sent to those artists who have paid.
I also note that Rome is not mentioned in their website, and that the London office is currently closed. -
Just wondering if you have any feedback on your experience exhibiting with Art Nimber 23, if you, or anyone else has!
Many thanks-
Where is this coming from?
Company ownership in the UK is not a secret:
Yeah the guy is just a con artist looking to spend your money on Balenciaga trainers and other luxurious stuff.
I exhibited with Art Number 23 in their show in Tokyo, hoping for a well-organized and professionally handled experience. Unfortunately, it was quite the opposite. Communication was a major issue—emails often went unanswered for weeks, making it incredibly difficult to coordinate logistics, especially for an international show.
One of the biggest disappointments was the complete lack of professional documentation. There were no high-quality photos of the exhibition, no proper marketing efforts to attract an audience, and overall, the event felt very underwhelming in terms of attendance. For an artist investing time and money into an exhibition, you at least expect some level of exposure, but that was simply not the case.
Additionally, I faced issues with customs while shipping my work, which can be stressful enough, but instead of any understanding or assistance, the organizer was dismissive and unhelpful. There was no empathy, no guidance—just a ‘figure it out yourself’ attitude.
Overall, the experience left a lot to be desired. While exhibiting internationally can be exciting, I would strongly caution artists to thoroughly research and ensure they’re working with organizers who are communicative, professional, and genuinely invested in their artists’ success.