Laguna Art Gallery
Anyone have any info on Laguna Art Gallery? I think they are associated with New York art, Townely gallery, Gallery 104. I believe this is a scam at this point. Amy Martinez contacted me back in March to have a live page to sell for $250. I paid, and still waiting for page to go up. Someone else contacted me Sonny Shenhan, as “lead Curator” and was supposedly taking care of it… Still waiting. They have my money, but no art thank goodness.
Would love to hear anyone else experiences…
I did a show with them back on July 4th 2019. It was kind of a bust for what I paid for, I sold two prints…not nearly enough to make up the cost of the space. They advertised the show to artists as being part of the Laguna Art Walk but I don’t think they advertised it very much to the public. There was some foot traffic due to it being July 4th and all but no one was really buying. I later met with the lady that ran the co-op it was part of and it all seemed pretty standard…they wanted a lot of time\work from me in addition to the cost of have a permanent space in their gallery. I do recall them having associations with other similar galleries nation wide, like you mentioned, but I don’t think any of the others are actual brick and mortar. I think COVID shut that Laguna Beach location down now and they are just a virtual front.