The Emerging Artist Platform – stay away
I had an awful experience with the emerging artist platform. It’s not just the fact that they ignored my messages, did not upload my new work, did not update my page as I sold various pieces (not through them obviously but through other galleries) did not provide PR, marketing and consultancy services (which they said they would). It’s how Jazz Jade handled the whole situation. I grew up around entrepreneurs and my family run various business and I have worked with them every now and then. When they receive a complain or a comment from a client, they do not attack the client. But guess what? I have been verbally attacked and bullied by Jazz Jade. She has tried to manipulate every conversation, she has lied and ignored me constantly. I have read so many negatives reviews from this platform and for a good reason. When people say “oh but they have good reviews too” well, that is their way to do business. Get as many people as possible, treat just a few of them with decency and the rest just get bullied by Jazz. And if you dare to say anything, she will verbally attack you. Save your reputation, don’t work with them. This is my advice.
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