Artvoices Magazine / 101 Contemporary Artist – $250 scam

About 2 years ago Artvoices Magazine / 101 Contemporary Artists pay to play info came through my inbox. I became curious bc it looked legit. I looked at the mags they publish, did some research, etc. Got I touch with the guy called Terrance Smith, he was quite responsive before I paid. Long story short, I never saw any of the materials I submitted published, neither did I see any magazine editions which were included in the price. After a year of demanding my money was to be refunded I unwillingly realized that it was a well set up scam. Here are some email addresses this Terrance Smith is using:

Also addresses which showed up on the invoice & other info:
3200 Wilshire Blvd Ste. 111-59
Los Angeles, CA 90010

1 comment
  • Anonymous

    I was in Art Voices Magazine and the book 101 Contemporary Artists i received copies of both. That being said he also planned this big art fair that was supposed to take place during Frieze week in New York there was about 150 artists who paid to have work in the fair, me being one of them. The fair was cancelled a few days before it was supposed to open, i never got my $125 dollars back and i’ve been in contact with some other artists who didn’t get there money back either so I’m sure there were many others if not all. Terrence Smith or Terrence sanders has grand ideas that don’t always come to fruition and from what I’ve heard he keeps your money that you’ve paid up front if his plans fall through. He is currently running a clothing company called Art Thug and he tries to get people to donate money to help him run the business.

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