
I think I stepped into a scam. Wotisart contacted me saying my works would figure in their monthly magazine.
I ordered some of the magazines (being proud to be in it ? ) but never received anything nor got responses to numerous emails.
Anyone having experience with wotisart magazine or wotisart.co.uk ??

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  • Anonymous

    I had my work accepted for an issue to and I got a copy of the magazine but its so badly put together. It may well be some unorganised artists making it but I think they’re also scam artists.

  • Anonymous

    I have a similar story. I was notified that I was selected for both A5 and WotisArt in 2018/2019. I paid for and received both issues promptly. The magazine is definitely home-spun. Not the best publication quality. However, it’s created by artists, not professional publishers. In January 2020, I was notified again that Wotisart selected my work. I paid for the January 2020 issue and never received. I did receive one response that it was on its way – but never arrived. Since that time, Wotisart is now shut down. AHOLE magazine has now opened. Seems to be similar group of artists. Once again, I was notified my work was accepted. I paid for a June 2020 issue – hoping it arrives. I am now going thru my bank to get refunded for the Wotisart fiasco. I’m not sure yet if this is a scam or just a bunch of unorganized artists….

      • Anonymous

        it seems many people are reporting them as scams, including myself. Does anyone have any evidence, anything written that could prove Wotisart and Ahole are the same people. They continue to advertise on many platforms including Artsjobs. Please report them with any info/evidence.

  • Anonymous

    I have recently dealt with Average Art and A5. I believe they are both scams. I have not received any of the issues (it has been a month) and no reply to my emails or Instagram pms. I am very upset and embarrassed as many of my friends, family and colleagues ordered these publications as I was to be featured in them.

    • Anonymous

      I have got a refund through my credit card and so has another person who ordered two copies. Do go through your credit card issuer. They will investigate and refund. Do not let these fraudsters get away with it. The more people who do this the sooner it stops.

  • Anonymous

    Ordered Ocober issue on 1st October. Two other people also ordered copies.First Two of my emails ignored. Third email after I accused them of scamming got reply to say they had no details of my address. Sent copy of confirmation . Got email to say it would be “re send” immediately. 10 days gone past and now ordered my credit card to refund my money. Other two customers also sent emails, no reply, also now set refund process in motion. Do not give these people money. They do not think they have to send you anything after you have paid them. And they ignore any form of communication. Scam.

  • Anonymous

    Same problem as above. Paid for 3 magazines and received nothing. How can they get away with this? Three emails sent. No reply. Going to go now through credit card to get my money back

  • Areti

    I was also told my artwork would be featured in A5 mag. I preoredered the August issue (2019) in which my work my work would be featured. The magazine was released on August 25. It’s been almost two months until today and I still haven’t received anything! I emailed them twice. The first time they told me that hopefully(?) I would get my magazine sson. The second time I got no response.

  • nathalie

    I participate to Wotisart and to A5 mag. There have exactly the same answer, same email template … . I really think it’s the same compagnie!
    I was selected for both and I order 1 magazine form A5 mag. The quality paper was terrible ! That’s an other SCAM !

  • John

    Hi I entered into Wotisart and got featured. They did take awhile to deliver the order to me but I got mine eventually. I also did have to email them a few times. I get the impression its run by other artists so there delivery process might not be very organised.


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