Contemporary Art Curator (Magazine)
Contemporary Art Curator (Magazine):
We also received an email from this website, stating they are a recognized entity in the art world. I didn’t find any third-party press on them, and when I searched for the staff (editor etc.), the searches didn’t come up with any references at all. The language in the email is also somewhat strange. They do have about 280.000 followers on Instagram, but that’s about it. They boast with huge visitor numbers, which I haven’t been able to corroborate on sites that measure website traffic. They offer three “options” for being featured, ranging from 160-300 USD/year. Has anyone signed with them and received any benefits from that (sales, exposure etc.)?
Links: ;
Dear Anonymous,
You turned a professional discussion into a baseless attack. That’s not how serious people handle concerns.
You call us scammers? Then prove it. Show exactly who we scammed and how. Provide reports from the police, lawyers, or any official authority proving our company is involved in a scam. You won’t—because no such proof exists.
Meanwhile, thousands of artists and decade of recognition from respected art professionals speak for themselves. You demand proof but provide none yourself. That’s not skepticism; that’s just bad faith.
Falsely accusing a professional platform of scam simply because you don’t like us, it’s not only unprofessional but also damaging to your own credibility.
If you have real concerns, why don’t you email us and address them directly instead of hiding behind anonymous comments?
Serious professionals handle disputes properly—not by making baseless claims online and hiding their names.
Marta Puig
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine Editor
They helped me a lot in my art career; I was contacted by collectors and galleries who saw my art on their websites.
Please do tell us your name and on which social media we can find you or a link to your website, so we can admire your artwork and find out how successful you are in the art world. Stories alone do not convince.
Thank you for your brillant request. But you won’t get this information. My brother have received this bait lately. I send email to Veronika (sighed) asking how they learned about his works, and why they believe they could provide real exposure. In a couple of weeks we received the same invitation. They even do not read their own mail.
Dear Anonymous,
If you’re truly interested in clarifying your claims, please feel free to share your brother’s name, website, or social media profiles. Anonymous complaints without specific details can raise questions about credibility, particularly when they seem scripted or appear to be written by the same individual. We’re here to address genuine concerns transparently and directly. As we consistently respond to all emails, your comments seem aimed more at harming our reputation than seeking resolution.
The comment says they “lately” received an email and then mentions that they received the same invitation “in a couple of weeks.” Normally, “lately” suggests something recent, but it doesn’t fit well with a timeline like “a couple of weeks.” This mismatch makes the comment appear not authentic.
Marta Puig
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine Editor -
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for reaching out. However, upon reviewing your comment, we noticed discrepancies in the timeline you provided—mentioning “lately” and “a couple of weeks” later, which don’t align.
This inconsistency, along with the nature of the claims, strongly suggests that the comment may be fabricated.Also information provided do not align with our practices.
As an online magazine, we specialize in digital content and do not offer any form of physical exposure or representation.
We take matters of authenticity seriously and encourage transparency in all communications. If you have genuine concerns or verifiable information to share, please feel free to contact us directly.
Best regards,
Marta Puig
I also received an email invitation to an online exhibit. I paid the fee. I later emailed the editor with a question and she never answered me. I continue to get emails inviting me to the same show I am supposedly participating in. What, they don’t know? I think it’s a scam even though I see my painting on FB. To whom does the digital magazine get mailed? No one is my guess.
Dear Anonymous,
We are writing in response to your recent review regarding our online exhibition and invitation to be part of the online exhibition.
After a thorough investigation during 2 month, we have found that your review contains fake and false information.
Even you tried to be anonymous we found your name; you are not our exhibitor. You are just a person who writes fake reviews trying to damage reputation of companies. Its not the first fall review you are writing about us.
We want to clarify the situation:
1) Firstly, we do not have a record of any email invitation being sent to you for our online exhibit, nor have we received any payment from you for participation.
Furthermore, we didn’t receive an email from you to respond to your email.
2) We certainly do not engage in any fraudulent activities.
We take pride in maintaining transparency and professionalism in all our interactions with artists and participants during the last 10 years.
3) If you have any legitimate concerns or inquiries about our digital magazine or exhibitions, please get in touch with us directly through our official channels; we would be happy to assist you instead of writing anonymous fake reviews.
Have a great day!
Marta Puig
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine
I don’t have enough words to express how grateful I am for this awesome opportunity they give me. I sold three artworks and am confident that the collectors will enjoy them.
I also received one of these scam emails from the contemporary art curator magazine to feature my artwork in their “esteemed” art book . It was sent to my old business email account and included my husband’s name. My husband has absolutely nothing to do with my artwork. Both of these points goes to show how illegitimate this company is.
That being I would NEVER pay any company or person to promote my artwork. It would benefit me more to light fire to my hard earned money; at least by doing that I would enjoy the brief warmth from the fire. No legitimate art gallery or art collector is interested in an art book that only contains what amounts to paid advertisements from artists.
I was on Artists Directory and was really happy with the results, last month one big gallery from NY contacted me and now I signed a contract with them. Fingers crossed.
I also received an invitation from them. When I checked their IG page I can see that posts get quite a lot of likes but strangely almost no comments. It is quite suspicious, I think since some have thousands of likes and barely one or two comments. I’m not sure how trustworthy they are. I couldn’t find any info on them online. I can see a lot of pretty good artists follow them. Might be worth paying a small fee?
I must strongly advice against this. I bought an award from them with the link I got. At the same time an artist who doesn’t like me sent an email to the magazine advicing them not to accept my payment because of a social media conversation where I told that this award can be bought and it’s nothing but a vanity gallery. This conversation took place in a closed Facebook group. The magazine didn´t except my purchase, I got refunded and now the magazine is threatening me with a lawyer for the things I have said in that Facebook group. They have also blocked me from social media. At any point nobody asked my side of the story. I find this behaviour very strange from an international art magazine. They also informed me that my name is on a black list from now on and they tell everybody that I´m a liar and a fraud.
Dear Maria Keinonen,
it’s nice to hear from you here.
It’s more than strange that you don’t answer our emails, but instead blackmailing us from other emails ( we see all IPs).
I would like to explain the situation for the people who read this:
1) Somehow, you got the link and wanted to use it to get the award. We discovered your scam immediately.
2) You started blackmailing us and writing unpleasant things about us.
3) We emailed you that you will be demanded for defamation, blackmailing and severe image.
That’s all.
Have a lovely weekend!
Best regards,
Marta Puig
Contemporary Art Curator Magazine Editor
They helped me to boost my career, after exposing my art in their magazine and social media, I received a lot of offers from galleries to expose my art. Also I was contacted by international curator and art dealers.
Really? To be sure this isn’t spam from the owner, can you be more specific? You received offers to “expose your art”? Does that mean exhibitions? Did you sell work at any of these venues? Can you give an example that is verifiable like a link to the gallery that “exposed” your art?
Just shared my experience; that’s all.
You can believe or not; it’s your choice.
Of course, I can tell you the names, but why I need to prove something in anonym website to anonym and show galleries where I expose, so you search for me.
Omg)))) If I am the owner of CAC, you are an aggressive competitor)))-
The fact that the above comment is so hostile and juvenile proves that it is a spam message. By using such sneaky tactics and wording, I would steer clear.
The comment above from April 20 shows that it’s just a mediocre internet troll and ageist.
I would suggest website owner block these users due they don’t provide any valuable info on the subject, just exasperate enmity on forum.
Thank you,
i just got an invitation too – im also not sure to trust this – thanks for sharing your experiences
An awful scam, do not go there. If you are not a mediocre artist you sabotage your career. Contemporary art curator does not count on the international market.
I could even name the person who wrote this.
Dear Lady, the scam is your company that takes money from artists, cancels events and doesn’t get money back.
Next time, please use more creativity in your pathetic comments.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Best wishes,
Marta Puig
I participated in the Artists Directory last year, and it helped me to grow ( I wasin the beginning of my art career) . I received interesting offers and met my first gallerist.
And very good for me worked instagram posts, after posts on instagram, my works always get reposted to other blogs, that was lovely. I don’t mind to pay a small fee if it helps. -
I payed them one time for promotions on Instagram and was quite satisfied with the results. Compare to other magazines they are relatively cheap, in the beginning I wanted to promote on Juxtapoz and HIFRUCTOSE, but they asked 1500 dollars for the post, it was too much for me. I noticed all magazines with a lot of followers charge for their services.
I also received an invitation to be included in the book, but in the letter was written its fee based publication and fees… Scam would be if you pay them a fee, and later their disappear.. -
I don’t believe this company is legit at all. I contacted a couple of artists who’s works were posted on the website and none of them were even aware that their work was being used, they only knew of reposts from IG. Contemporary curator art magazine exploits artists for profit.
I received an invitation to apply for an art book that they’re publishing. Once approved, they said payment had to be sent within two weeks in order to guarantee my spot and, this wasn’t a small sum ($850 and up). They even included bank account numbers in the email. This company is a scam for sure. Don’t trust it.
I just received an email from them and I’m trying to verify anything other than their presence on Instagram and FB which are vastly different. Has there been any info found?
Seems very similar to Aesthetica magazine sending out unsolicited emails to artists offering a spot in their artist directory for a fee going up to £95. Other options include a quarter page listing for an all time low of £295.
Oh Marta, it’s you who has to provide the names and other details of your success stories. Us skeptics don’t have to prove anything. Scammers always project, as you constantly do. Put your money where your mouth is!