Artvoices Magazine

Has anyone published in Artvoices Magazine? Or been involved with any of Terrence Sanders efforts? Platform Contemporary Art Show etc. The organization seems to have good intentions, but there is a sliding scale of cost with most of his projects. Typically a red flag, but he seems to be putting good effort twds some alternative channels for artist. And the shows seem to have some curatorial strategy behind them. Just not sure of his figures / claims – ie 15k-20k people showing up at Platform Contemporary Art Show. Thought I would post and see if anyone has shown with this organization.

  • Anonymous

    He is a liar, fraud and thief. Stole from numerous artists, writers and others to fuel his “I am an artist” bs. He is a scam artist pulling off the same scam over and over all over the country. Just do a little research and you will find his scams in Louisiana, New York, and California. He will take your money and not deliver much for and then will promise to repay- often skipping town after. Here’s to hoping he’s finally in jail but somehow I think he’ll just keep on scammin’. Truly a sleazeball. “Publisher” like springtime for hitler was a hot Broadway musical!!

  • Paulina

    I found this thread recently. I can’t believe he did this. I’m a mexican artist that was living in New Orleans and to make those payments was really hard in 2014 as I was freelancing and making art work but I was also trying to invest in my professional development. A few days ago as I was trying to update my CV, couldn’t find the issue anywhere. What I found were other 3 artists that had the same cover issue I was promised back then. I also have emails from him, asking me to be discrete and not tell the writers the amount of money I paid for the issue when they interviewed me, and now I understand why. Artists please come forward, there has to be a way to make this “artist” pay for what he has done to all of us.

    For now, a link the link to the LA City Attorney’s office. They want more people to come forward.

  • Andrew

    You can also contact LAPD directly, because they are doing the investigation before they send it to the District Attorney for prosecution.
    They do not consider this a minor incident, and will pay attention to it.

    Call their general division: 213-486-8430

    • Terrence Sanders

      To Whom It May Concern:

      For the record I haven’t checked this blog in 8 months because it’s primarily rooted in negativity without accountability. The fact is anyone with a ‘grudge’ or ‘vendetta’ can say anything they want anonymously about anyone with no transparency and or recourse.

      That being said I understand the culture of being a public figure (I use the term lightly) and the nuances associated with such status. I applaud open forums that support a responsible and ethical discourse-not slander, false accusations and or anger. 90% of the anonymous comments are paranoid delusions and or intentional false hoods aimed to ruin my businesses, my past accomplishments and my good name. I find this platform highly offensive, unfortunate, sickening and sad to say the least.

      The crazy part is the names below Andrew, William, Steve, Randall, Artist, Les, Disgruntled Artist and Mike are names I have never done business with (perhaps Disgruntled Artist and Artist?) and I guess they dislike me (my voice, my past success and or accomplishments) for whatever reason and are using this forum to voice their collective disappointment, hostility and animosity.

      First of all I’m not a scammer and I’m not a criminal. I’ve never been to jail or accused of a crime in my 51 years on this Earth and I’m not about to start now. My step-father is a retired police officer and my uncle is a retired New York State Supreme Court Judge and I have the upmost respect for the law and ethics.

      I’m a self made man in good standings with my community for over 13-years and a few consecutive bad decisions and now you want to publicly humiliate me and incarcerate me?! For what? Platform’s business-plan failed? I was counting on sponsorship and our communities’ support-that never came to fruition! Nobody is more disappointed in this outcome than I am! You can’t begin to imagine how much work I put into this venture that resulted in a loss. I owe money to a few artists but it was an honest loss as a result of bad business plan and believing in someone who guaranteed sponsorship support and didn’t secure one sponsor. Hindsight 20/20 I should have had all the finances in place before I announced the fair and accepted booth fees but I took a gamble and failed the artists who believed in me and myself. My sincerest apologies to the artists who signed on for Platform but all will be remedied. I’m still working at it.

      For the record two thirds of the participants of Platform were paid back in full. I still owe one third of the artists that I intend to refund as soon as my finances are in order. All the money invested in Platform by the artists was spent on Platform! No cars, no clothes, no land, no nothing. Money owed that I’m now accountable for and will make amends.

      Yes, I owe a few writers for Artvoices Magazine that I will remedy when I can. 10 years publishing and 2 years in the rears and I haven’t filed bankruptcy because I know I will remedy my debt. Truth is it’s a manageable amount of debt, considering.

      The point is owing money in business is the downside and the unfortunate circumstance of doing business. There’s nothing malicious or fraudulent about my business practices regardless of what you want to believe. A bad investment doesn’t make me a scammer, a con artist or a criminal. It’s just debt plain and simple that I will eventually make good. I’m still in business in LA and I’m not drinking cocktails in the Dominican Republic like some of you have hinted with your over active and paranoid imaginations.

      I have worked with close to 1,000 artists and over a 10-year period. In that 10-year period I have accomplished a lot (alone) if you would have done your research. I’m human so yes there has been the occasional misunderstanding but all in all except for a few instances everyone received what was promised.

      Again I’m not perfect and shit happens!

      History: Curator of the Saratoga Collection housed in Saratoga Building in New Orleans. That collection was exhibited at the Ogden Museum. I created a mural etched in granite on the façade of the building with the 1,800 names of the lives that were lost. I curated the 1st annual 60 Americans in New York City and the 2nd annual 60 Americans in Los Angeles. I launched the Smith, Stokes & Sanders Gallery, Terrence Sanders Gallery, Jupiter Art Projects and Untitled Art Projects in New Orleans and Los Angeles. I participated in art fairs in New York City, Copenhagen and Basel and Miami for years selling works of art to collectors. Launched Artvoices Magazine to give a platform to artists who were off the radar of critics and collectors. Featured on the covers Frank Stella, Bernar Venet, Carrie Mae Weems, DJ Spooky, Frank Gehry and Spike Lee to name a few. And we’re currently working on our 10th Anniversary and Final issue founded in 2008. I launched Artvoices Art Books where we currently have over 20 titles distributed nationally including the survey on 101 Contemporary artists. I also launched the Makeshift Museum in the Arts District in LA and I could go on!

      No one scammed and all projects brought to fruition!

      I AM A LEGITAMTE BUSINESS WHO FILES TAXES AND I HAVE NOT SCAMMED, OR CONNED ANYONE. As a result of Platform’s failure I’ve fallen on hard times trying to save my name, reputation and business after this set back. Yes, because of my optimism, and ambition I failed at bringing Platform to fruition. I still owe a few artists but currently I’m struggling and this blog isn’t helping with the LIES and FALSE TRUTHS being told about me. I succeed 99 times and fail once and now I’m a criminal?

      Now I’ve voiced my side of this unfortunate but life learning experience and I have nothing else to say. I will never forgive the artists who have wronged me to publicly shame me for attempting to create something special for us (artists) but that’s life. Especially the artists I have exhibited in my galleries, shown at art fairs, featured or reviewed in Artvoices Magazine, purchased their work for collections of curated in gallery or museum exhibitions. Shame on you and I don’t hate you for your disrespect or disdain toward me because I understand and I feel sorry for you.

      To the persons who I owe I understand your frustration and I’m working to secure funding to repay all of my debts and agreements. Truthfully I went through a 6- month depression as a result of my failure and I’m only recently getting my footing. I had to take some time off to get healthy and redefine my priorities.

      I’ve done nothing wrong but failed at a business that has a paper trail of investment and monies spent. I hate to disappoint you but I’m not Bernie Madoff. Platform’s venue was secured with a down payment, business expenses including but not limited to graphic artist, promotional materials, distributors, architects, insurance, etc., etc.

      I’ve dedicated my life to artists and our collective voice and have the track record to prove it. What hurts the most is out of all the artists I have worked with only one has spoken up in defense of my character and business practice.

      Thanks for your continued support.

      Best Always,


      To the artist who mentioned is he still in LA? My contact info is still the same since 2012. Phone number 310 433 9958 and my mailing address is 3200 Wilshire Blvd Ste. 111-59 LA CA 90010 in case you want to get in touch.

      • Anonymous

        Dude get out of the art world. Even if your intent is legitimate, your behavior has been criminal. No lengthy explanatory hustle or posting supposed email threads without the other person’s permission will dig you out of the grave you dig yourself. This is a thread dedicated to your frauds and scams. People don’t have threads dedicated to scams they’ve committed unless they’ve done some scamming. It’s not a group of people or one wronged person. It’s everyone who ever dealt with you professionally. Quit art hustling and get a job.

      • Anonymous

        I had dealings on a project with Terrance and was left high and dry when it came time for him to come up with his part, which was his piece in money that financed the project that he had promised and agreed to by a date. He actually made a meeting place to pay then disappeared. This man has no character or morals. Be careful when dealing with him. He will say whatever is necessary to get you on board. He plays the part well. I fell for it. Do yourself a favor and stay away.

      • Anonymous

        Terrance is delusional. He has been ripping people off everywhere he goes. It happened to me also. He is so accustomed to doing business and living like this that I believe he really doesn’t see that deciet and dishonesty have become his ruling characteristics. Stay away from him. You’ll be doing yourself a favor. He’s poison.

  • Artist

    Terrence Sanders – Platform Art Fair – he cancelled the art fair at the last moment and left town with everyone’s money. I guess the he uses his words to try to defend his actions instead of being an upright respectable person.

  • Disgruntled Artist

    I honestly wish I did more thorough research on this guy before I ever accepted his offer to be featured. There’s not necessarily any good writings, or praises of him I could find about him, but there’s plenty of bad things I’ve read since being notified of the cancellation of the platform show back in September. He claims he’s in debt, and sent a budget list to the artists, and continues to play the victim…

    This guy’s approx 100K budget had numbers that would make any rational planning person think twice. A small example would include this insanity of paying out a “graphic designer” A Thousand Dollars to create a website. You ever heard of GoDaddy?

    He rented the venue for SIX MONTHS at a rate of $12K
    He Spent $500.00 on Social Media Platforms… huh? You spent $500 to open instagram, facebook, twitter accounts? GTFOH
    Again, he paid a Graphic Designer $3K for logo, banners, flyers… Come On.

    His debt has now become my debt, which I’m sure the other artists of this show are still dealing with. As of December 5, 2017, I have not been refunded the amounts of money I paid to be featured in Platform. He announced the cancellation to me SEVEN DAYS BEFORE, and said expect a net return 45 days after the show… you know the one that didn’t happen. If this guy was really the “artist” he claimed to be, the amount of funds spent here would be less than half. Platform would’ve been a more bare-bones event.

    I will never, ever do business with this guy again. I don’t give a damn who he knows, how far his reach is, or what the hell his artistic accomplishments are. The proof is in the G0d@mn pudding, and this guy is full of it. Anyone who’s been in contact with this guy and are reading blogs to get a sense of this guy, just know we’re not B.S.’ing. Avoid working with Terrence Sanders.

  • Mike

    If you have any questions about Terrence’s business practices, just read through his comments here on this page. It speaks for itself. The man is a nightmare to deal with.

  • Ronald Hall

    To any one who reads this, Terrence Sanders of Artvoices magazine and Platform Art Fair, is not a scam! I’m an artist who’s worked with Terrence on several occasions, he’s put me in shows, he’s purchased work of mine’s in the past, he’s not a scam! Choose to work with him or not, but he is legitimately trying to help artists. If you want any more info from me, feel free to connect with me any time. And by the way, I’m not a scam either! 🙂

  • John

    A couple of years ago I paid Terrence 250 to publish my work in a magazine that was to be distributed at Art Basel in Switzerland. I went to Art Basel and did NOT see a booth for ArtVoices Magazine in the media room, nor were they listed – they were NOT there. Money wasted and I never received a print copy even though it was requested multiple times.
    As far as I can tell Terrence is great at bs under the disguise of ‘helping’ artist. He’s figured out that how you make money in the art world is to take advantage of artist under the guise of ‘helping’ artist.
    His new rip-off is Platform- in a recent interview he stated he was paying for everything – this is untrue – he’s charging for wall space -for hanging a measly 3 paintings – 1500.00
    From Whitehot interview:
    Becker: Art fairs are expensive. How are you paying for all of this?
    Sanders: Out of pocket.

    From email on Platform inquiry.
    The ‘solo booth’ fee is divided into 2 payments. Your deposit ($750) is due upon invoice receipt and the balance ($750) is due January 1st 2017.

    • Terrence Sanders

      John, John, John,

      You energy vampire, you probably voted for Trump!

      I’ve checked my emails and there was only one John who was scheduled to appear in the ‘Viewing Room’ and he never paid. I’ve posted the message between you and I below for your reference. The email reveals you never paid hence you never received an issue because you were never in it.

      Please copy and paste the email of me stating we had a booth, in the media room and or somehow affiliated with Art Basel. Or you emailing me multiple times for a copy. There’s no email you can provide to prove your false accusations. One thing I am is transparent, sometimes to a fault. I would never put myself in this predicament for $250. Get out of town!

      Secondly, if you were not so blinded by your anger and jealousy of my accomplishments and progress you would have seen my post below but I copied and pasted it here for your consideration.

      “I’m launching Platform Art Fair to assist independent artists in securing a NYC collector base. I’m not a rich man, but I’m passionate and committed to creating platforms for artist to sustain their practice. With no sponsors this ‘labor of love’
      is costing me roughly $150k out of pocket. To barely offset the overhead –I sold a few discounted spaces to artists– who met our criteria, not to mention I donated over half of the solo booth spaces in exchange for a piece of their artwork for my collection that will one day be in the permanent collection of the Makeshift Museum. A win-win. Pay it Forward!”

      Terrence Sanders

      to John

      I hope this note finds you well.

      I’m sending you a reminder that your RSVP space for the ‘Viewing Room’ has been reserved but to date I haven’t received payment.

      I will keep the space reserved until 5pm tomorrow PST.

      No worries, if money is a problem or you changed your mind I completely understand we just have a close issue deadline.

      I look forward to your response.

      Best Regards,


      Artvoices Magazine
      Founder, Publisher & Editor-In-Chief

      John Henderson

      to me
      Terrence, thank you for your offer, I will check back with you in the fall.
      I’ve posted an image of the distribution in Basel Switzerland which I’ve been doing since 2013 and we distribute citywide in London as well.

      I’m disgusted and saddened that I have to respond to this ridiculous accusation but it comes with the territory.

      Martin, I think your site is necessary but I’ve now had to defend myself twice to ‘haters’ in our community, which you have given a platform. I don’t deserve this negative attention and there seems no end in sight. I admit owing a few writers but I’m making good.

    • Scott Gengelbach

      Platform didn’t happen, he cancelled it 3 days before it was due to open. I’ve been in contact with a few artists who paid to be part of it and they are not getting their money refunded. He owes me $250 which I will probably never see. Terrence is a hustler. His main concern is himself. He ripped of a lot of artists with his art fair and he has no remorse. He thinks that he is a victim. The victims are the people who were promised a fair and didn’t get one. In his cancellation email for Platform there was no apology to the artists involved and he had the nerve to say that he “Curated the hell out of it”. Curated the hell out of an art fair that didn’t happen??? Anybody who is thinking about doing business with this man should be very wary.

  • Terrence


    I hope this response finds you well.

    I understand the importance of this blog’ and I commend you for your efforts but I have nothing but the greatest of intentions and respect for our community.

    Thank you for the posting of ‘an attendance inquiry’ about Platform’s speculative attendance. For the record it’s just speculation that we will host 15,000 – 20,000 attendees over a 3 day period at our inaugural show opening September 29th 2017. The figure is a rough estimate based on over 120 artists, 10 book publishers, 10 poets and a 3-day film festival. We’re hoping for 5-7,500 people per day. Arguably, this is doable in a city with over 8.5 million residents and the #1 art destination in the World. I don’t think my inaugural speculation is worth this level of suspicion but that’s my opinion. I hope the 300 visits your ‘blog’ receives will help us reach capacity. That being said, thank you for the optimistic kind words in your post and I hope to see you at Platform Art Fair opening September 29 – October 1st 2017.

    Please if you have any other thoughts or concerns please send me an email at artvoices @ You can send a text as an introduction so I know it’s you and not some energy sucking vampire-asshole harassing me and distracting me from what’s truly important and relevant in creating sustainable platforms for artists.

    Artvoices Magazine LLC is a hybrid of an artist cooperative. I’m self-employed and my clients and colleagues are independent artists who want exposure, recognition and some monetary gain if possible. My ventures below assist in facilitating that request.

    Established 2008

    1. Platform Contemporary Art Fair, Art Book Fair & Film Festival 2017

    I’m launching Platform Art Fair to assist independent artists in securing a NYC collector base. I’m not a rich man, but I’m passionate and committed to creating platforms for artist to sustain their practice. With no sponsors this ‘labor of love’
    is costing me roughly $150k out of pocket. To barely offset the overhead I sold a few discounted spaces to artists who met our criteria, not to mention I donated over half of the solo booth spaces in exchange for a piece of their artwork for my collection that will one day be in the permanent collection of the Makeshift Museum. A win-win. Pay it Forward!

    Nearly every art fair in the World sells space to Galleries to display artwork from artists. This is a proven business model. Why not offer the same space to artist?
    I’m selling directly to artists and cutting out the middleman (gallery/dealer) where the artist retains 90% of all sales and builds a collector base. Artists no longer need to be dependent on a system that’s belittling, anti-artist and not sustainable. It’s a business decision and we all have a choice to be a Master or Slave.

    Please click on the link below for more information.

    2. Artvoices Magazine

    Artvoices Magazine is an advert free art periodical that’s vigilant, independent and sustainable. In return for the exposure we ask each artist selected to contribute monetarily to offset the overhead. No puff piece writing here just critical writing on artists by artists.

    We were a monthly, bi-monthly now an annual in our 10th Year. Social media has really gutted the print industry forcing Artvoices Magazine to operate in the red for the last 2 years. We are only a few writers’ fees away from a clean slate. I appreciate their continued patience and understanding.

    Please click on the link below if you’d like to be considered for our upcoming 10th Anniversary Issue.

    3. Artvoices Art Books

    Artvoices Art Books is progressing steadily with 16 titles to date and growing. I’m very proud of our contributions to the landscape of contemporary art and our potential to be a major player in the art book-publishing arena.

    Artvoices Art Books will design, manufacture and nationally distribute your book to Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Wholesalers. A book produced on you and your work is a HUGE part of your legacy. Every living artist underwrites his or her book in one form or another (sponsor, grant, savings, trade, trust fund) if they’re not dead, famous or infamous. Don’t be naive. It’s a necessary legacy and marketing tool.

    Please click the link below to submit to be included in our FALL 2018 catalogue. If curated in you will receive our prospectus.

    As you can see my projects have a curatorial focus, a purpose and an audience.

    Art is a business and artists are not exempt!

    For the record I am a practicing artist (33 bodies of work), ex-club promoter (MK, BigHaus, Club Sonic where I booked Nine Inch Nails to showcase for MTV and the Industry) musician (Kingstone / Kilroy we played CBGB’s and the Knitting Factory) ex-hip-hop record producer with a deal with (Universal Music Group) founding member of art group (Citizen X), published poet (The Duality of the Human Condition), filmmaker (Spare Change), curator (60 Americans), ex-gallerist (Terrence Sanders Gallery, Sanders Smith & Stokes, Jupiter Art Projects and Untitled Projects), CEO of clothing lines (Art Thug & Artists 101) Director of the (Makeshift Museum), Publisher & Editor-In-Chief (Artvoices Magazine Established 2008 featuring Frank Stella, Spike Lee and Frank Gehry on the cover, to name a few) Publisher (Artvoices Art Books) Director (Platform Contemporary Art, Art Book Fair & Film Festival) and curator of the Art 24/7 app that will be launched at Platform.

    The bottom line – my contributions to the landscape of contemporary art speak for themselves. I’m not claiming to be perfect because I’m not and I’m learning everyday. I have an honest track record and commitment to artists seizing the day- taking their career into their own hands. I don’t treat artists badly. If there are fees involved it’s to offset overhead and expenses. We need opportunities to become self sufficient and independent, not cynics who only point out what’s wrong in the World and little else.

    “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” -Barack Obama

    Artists are constantly coerced to follow and obey ‘traditional’ dos and don’ts in regards to their practice in the 21st century. These so-called ‘traditions’ are no longer self-evident because they are no longer contemporary. The art community and marketplace has changed drastically and it is wide open! There are no right and wrong ways to get your work noticed! Period! Don’t be the last one to realize this ‘truth’ because it’s irresponsible and hazardous to your career to think any different. Remember all art is subjective and shouldn’t be influenced and dictated by the whims and taste of the 1% who are known to have very bad taste.

    In the 20th century art galleries, not-for-profits, public and private museums financially supported art periodicals individual efforts in creating a necessary discourse on the landscape of contemporary art. The art critic was ‘King’ and could make or break artists and programs with words printed on paper but that too has changed. In the 21st century the social media’s global reach, auction houses record setting prices for new works by young BA’s and MFA’s fresh out of art school and the ‘art fairs’ rapid growth as the place to be seen doing business. Now we have ‘reality’ show art critics with the mentality if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. There are a few serious art critics left but the majority of them have gone out to pasture, accepted faculty positions or worse have no opinion on anything for fear of losing their social status!

    Now I’m going to cut the fat in regards to the 1% you are the product of wealthy, methodical, greed filled collectors and art dealers who are so far removed from the essence of ‘Art’ that they no longer see the humanity; only dollar signs. If you fall under the 99% artists you are invisible, voiceless and expendable to the 1%. The problem is the majority of the 99% are so brainwashed and diluted by the ‘traditions’ and ‘heresy’ of the old guard that they don’t realize that the so-called ‘traditions’ are meaningless and worthless. Don’t wait until you’re lying on your deathbed to come to your senses. You will die alone, bitter, and penniless and no one will remember your art, not to mention your name! This is my nightmare (this is every real artists’ nightmare) and no one deserves this fate. What’s at stake is your legacy. If you don’t market and promote and plan accordingly for your untimely demise, your obscure lifework will have a solo one night only exhibition at the dumpster down the street from your studio or apartment with your only hope being some young artist recycling the canvas and covering up your work to be discovered at a later date if you’re lucky!

    The artist #1 job is to get the work where the public at large can see it! Never mind the right collector, the right art fair or the right gallery! The World is large and filled with art enthusiasts that would love to hang your piece on their wall if they were exposed to your work. You only have one life and I implore you to start living it now!

    “Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.” -Clint Eastwood

    Best Regards,

    Terrence Sanders

    FYI At the end of the day I know I’ve done more good than harm. Can any of you say the same?

    • anonymous

      The stories about your fraudulence date back to the late 90s. All of those stories have people who you admit you owed, or still owe money to. But then you go out and trash those people online. If you don’t pay your bills, what are you but a fraud? You antagonize people who’s writing you’ve published, who’s art you’ve accepted into magazines and galleries that you ran, and then did not pay. So you’re a bad business person. But you cannot claim to have left the art world better off at the end of the day if you continually don’t pay your artists and writers, if you continually abuse them with online nastiness. You play the victim, you pretend that your use of language makes you into some kind of saviour. But that’s really not the case. You bully people that post about you online and that speaks volumes on your character. What if you paid these people, contacted them, apologized for the delay and moved on? The bullying increases the challenging specter that chases you around the internet.

  • Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz

    I was approached by Sanders to participate in a show in NYC and a gain in California, but I was expected to pay $3000 for my space plus pay for shipping etc. There was too short of a turnaround time for this show, no mention of insurance for my work for travel.. nothing. Smelled like a scam to me. I reached out to someone who knows him and she was surprised to hear it. I don’t know.. maybe he’s just disorganized or erratic, but it didn’t seem kosher to me. Hope that’s helpful.

    • Terrence

      I’ve copied our correspondences below for your reference and consideration. 100% transparency.

      I hope this letter finds you well.
      (mutual friend) has submitted your name and work for inclusion in the ‘Platform Art Fair & Film Festival’ NYC 2016! You’ve been selected because your visual dialog’s unique, not derivative and relevant. We visited your site and would like to exhibit the Hush installation and a What SHE Said Performance if you’re interested.

      Hello Terrence,
      I am sorry for the delay in reaching out to you regarding your invitation to participate in Platform Art Fair this fall. I tried contacting you via Facebook, but I got no response. I hope this email reaches you directly. I am currently trying to see if my university will be supporting this project. (mutual friend) spoke to me about Platform and she seemed excited about the endeavor. I am writing to you to ask for some data regarding the fair, such as the acceptance rate of applicants (how many people did you turn away? who have you selected? who are your artist of note, etc? How many people visit the fair annually? I am currently preparing a report for my university and need some metrics to quantify the prestige of the fair. It would be a tremendous help to me if you could furnish me with some stats in the coming days (time sensitive).
      Once again, thank you for accepting me into the fair.


      I hope this response finds you well.
      My responses are below in blue.

      On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Wanda Ortiz wrote:
      Hello Terrence,

      I am sorry….
      I’m selecting all the artists who are participating. I’ve turned away 80% of the submissions thus far.

      who have you selected….
      I will release the lists when all artists have been selected.

      How many people visit the fair annually?
      This is the inaugural fair.

      I am currently preparing a report…..
      No past so no metrics only speculation.

      Once again, thank you for accepting me into the fair.
      You’re welcome but perhaps you’d like to sit this one out and wait for the 2nd fair installment.

      Thank you for getting back to me, Terrence. I will get back to you soon. I will use the information you have provided me to work on funding from my department.

      I hope this email finds you well. I don;t know if you received my reply to your last correspondence and I was hoping to reconnect with you regarding Platform this fall. I am genuinely interested in participating. Perhaps we could have a 10 minute phone conference next week or at your convenience? I have several questions that I would like to ask you about presentation, payments etc. I am in the process of requesting research funding sponsorship from my university which is time sensitive. A meeting with you could help iron out some details.
      Looking forward to hearing from you.
      Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz

      I’m sorry for the delayed response.
      Let’s talk next month. No worries I will save you a space and we’ll make it work.

      Now that was the last I heard from Wanda. What she didn’t realize is that I had lost my first location the Lexington Avenue Armory because of asbestos and had to secure a second location. I’m sorry but you are not my priority. I didn’t call you back because it just simply slipped my mind. My apologies.

      The mention of insurance (we’re always insured for every event) and travel? What are you a rock star? In regards to the mention of the person you reached out to being surprised to hear it because there’s no truth to it and that person is on my advisory board and in the fair as a participant!

      There is a method to my madness I agree and I am kosher.

      Please read the article that came out today on the PLATFORM art fair that you said smelled like a scam?

      Hope to see you there if you can get someone to pay for your ticket. No worries I’ll comp you at the door.

      Best Regards,


      FYI Spend more time on your practice and less time talking shit and your predicament will improve.

      Thank you for your continued support.

  • Anonymous


    I hope this response finds you well.

    I understand the importance of this blog’ and I commend you for your efforts but I have nothing but the greatest of intentions and respect for our community.

    Thank you for the posting of ‘an attendance inquiry’ about Platform’s speculative attendance. For the record it’s just speculation that we will host 15,000 – 20,000 attendees over a 3 day period at our inaugural show opening September 29th 2017. The figure is a rough estimate based on over 120 artists, 10 book publishers, 10 poets and a 3-day film festival. We’re hoping for 5-7,500 people per day. Arguably, this is doable in a city with over 8.5 million residents and the #1 art destination in the World. I don’t think my inaugural speculation is worth this level of suspicion but that’s my opinion. I hope the 300 visits your ‘blog’ receives will help us reach capacity. That being said, thank you for the optimistic kind words in your post and I hope to see you at Platform Art Fair opening September 29 – October 1st 2017.

    Please if you have any other thoughts or concerns please send me an email at artvoices @ You can send a text as an introduction so I know it’s you and not some energy sucking vampire-asshole harassing me and distracting me from what’s truly important and relevant in creating sustainable platforms for artists.

    Artvoices Magazine LLC is a hybrid of an artist cooperative. I’m self-employed and my clients and colleagues are independent artists who want exposure, recognition and some monetary gain if possible. My ventures below assist in facilitating that request.

    Established 2008

    1. Platform Contemporary Art Fair, Art Book Fair & Film Festival 2017

    I’m launching Platform Art Fair to assist independent artists in securing a NYC collector base. I’m not a rich man, but I’m passionate and committed to creating platforms for artist to sustain their practice. With no sponsors this ‘labor of love’
    is costing me roughly $150k out of pocket. To barely offset the overhead I sold a few discounted spaces to artists who met our criteria, not to mention I donated over half of the solo booth spaces in exchange for a piece of their artwork for my collection that will one day be in the permanent collection of the Makeshift Museum. A win-win. Pay it Forward!

    Nearly every art fair in the World sells space to Galleries to display artwork from artists. This is a proven business model. Why not offer the same space to artist? I’m selling directly to artists and cutting out the middleman (gallery/dealer) where the artist retains 90% of all sales and builds a collector base. Artists no longer need to be dependent on a system that’s belittling, anti-artist and not sustainable. It’s a business decision and we all have a choice to be a Master or Slave.

    Please click on the link below for more information.

    2. Artvoices Magazine

    Artvoices Magazine is an advert free art periodical that’s vigilant, independent and sustainable. In return for the exposure we ask each artist selected to contribute monetarily to offset the overhead. No puff piece writing here just critical writing on artists by artists.

    We were a monthly, bi-monthly now an annual in our 10th Year. Social media has really gutted the print industry forcing Artvoices Magazine to operate in the red for the last 2 years. We are only a few writers’ fees away from a clean slate. I appreciate their continued patience and understanding.

    Please click on the link below if you’d like to be considered for our upcoming 10th Anniversary Issue.

    3. Artvoices Art Books

    Artvoices Art Books is progressing steadily with 16 titles to date and growing. I’m very proud of our contributions to the landscape of contemporary art and our potential to be a major player in the art book-publishing arena.

    Artvoices Art Books will design, manufacture and nationally distribute your book to Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Wholesalers. A book produced on you and your work is a HUGE part of your legacy. Every living artist underwrites his or her book in one form or another (sponsor, grant, savings, trade, trust fund) if they’re not dead, famous or infamous. Don’t be naive. It’s a necessary legacy and marketing tool.

    Please click the link below to submit to be included in our FALL 2018 catalogue. If curated in you will receive our prospectus.

    As you can see my projects have a curatorial focus, a purpose and an audience.

    Art is a business and artists are not exempt!

    For the record I am a practicing artist (33 bodies of work), ex-club promoter (MK, BigHaus, Club Sonic where I booked Nine Inch Nails to showcase for MTV and the Industry) musician (Kingstone / Kilroy we played CBGB’s and the Knitting Factory) ex-hip-hop record producer with a deal with (Universal Music Group) founding member of art group (Citizen X), published poet (The Duality of the Human Condition), filmmaker (Spare Change), curator (60 Americans), ex-gallerist (Terrence Sanders Gallery, Sanders Smith & Stokes, Jupiter Art Projects and Untitled Projects), CEO of clothing lines (Art Thug & Artists 101) Director of the (Makeshift Museum), Publisher & Editor-In-Chief (Artvoices Magazine Established 2008 featuring Frank Stella, Spike Lee and Frank Gehry on the cover, to name a few) Publisher (Artvoices Art Books) Director (Platform Contemporary Art, Art Book Fair & Film Festival) and curator of the Art 24/7 app that will be launched at Platform.

    The bottom line – my contributions to the landscape of contemporary art speak for themselves. I’m not claiming to be perfect because I’m not and I’m learning everyday. I have an honest track record and commitment to artists seizing the day- taking their career into their own hands. I don’t treat artists badly. If there are fees involved it’s to offset overhead and expenses. We need opportunities to become self sufficient and independent, not cynics who only point out what’s wrong in the World and little else.

    Thanks in advance,


    “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” -Barack Obama

      • Anonymous

        I have written for Art Voices. I was never paid for the article I wrote in good faith. Terrence sent out an email to artists saying he had $ problems, and in that email promised to pay artists by a certain time frame. He did not follow through and pay me nor has he ever contacted me again. I have asked for his payment several times. No luck. Am I the only one?

        • Terrence Sanders

          No you’re not the only one but I have been paying writers back and I’m half way through the debt. My apologies I just haven’t gotten to you yet. No worries. I hope the $200 writers fee didn’t set you back too much.

          • anonymous

            if you promise to pay writers $200 and then don’t pay them $200 don’t be snarky about how little it matters because its only $200. Maybe that’s part of their rent payment budget. Maybe it’s a weeks worth of food. To be that casual about it is wrong.

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