1650 Gallery in L.A.
One user sent this in –
This is a gallery that specializes in photography. They put out a “call” for a subject or keyword and make a selection of “winners” to be exhibited. They offer print services if you send your files. I had 3 pieces selected for one of their exhibits. The “opening” was on a Saturday. I live in NY but my son lives in L.A. and wanted to see the exhibit. That began to unravel the despicable sham this place is. Going online to fine a phone number – no listing. We could not get days or hours without emailing. There is no website. Well there is, but it takes you to a FB page. There’s no photos of the gallery itself, and when I emailed for days and hours of operation so my son could go, the response was that there are no hours, that he should EMAIL to request an appointment to see the exhibit, and it was too bad he didn’t come to the “Saturday” opening, because the exhibit would only be up for a week and unfortunately the gallery was going to be CLOSED for that week! I paid for them to print the 3 pieces which were supposed to be shipped back to me after the exhibit, and I have yet to receive them.
It looks like they are at it again. I just looked them up online and they have another call for photography, deadline in late November. Very inappropriate.
Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz
can you please tell me what you know about this scam I just received “Exhibit your art in a London Gallery”…
this is copied from the email I received:“The Artists’ Pool is looking for artists to exhibit and sell their work in Central London’s Menier Gallery!
They’re accepting works from visual artists including painting, photography, mixed media, sculpture, collage, mosasic and more. Apply here!
The submission process is simple and quick. Feel free to submit up to 6 pieces. Let me know if you have any questions – I’m happy to help in any way I can.
Warm regards,
Visit Zealous http://www.zealous.co
Aisling Cahill
Community Manager”BEWARE!!!!
Goodman Lisa
I also had an image accepted in a show at 1650 Gallery, opening was in Dec., 2016. Sent it down there, matted and framed (I do my own printing), and included return postage, following their instructions. I called a month after the show came down and was told they’d be sending it back three months later. Now it’s five, haven’t heard a word and their phone number is no longer findable. They haven’t responded to email. This is not good.
Same experience here. I had a framed image in a show 5 months ago. They told me it would be sent back three months after the show came down. That seemed like a long time, but at 5 months, it’s not a good sign. Next time I’m in LA, I’ll be stopping by. Or maybe we should all hire someone to go check it out??
Michael Teresko
Same experience here. I’ve been unable to get a response from them, and I’ve tried emailing, Facebook messaging, and a phone number I found online. From pictures of the opening, it does appear as if the photo I paid to have printed was hung on a wall, but I’m still waiting to have it mailed to me as I requested. For all I know, it could have sold and they pocketed the money. Avoid…
have you received your photo back yet? The show my image was in came down in January and I still haven’t gotten it. Andy was off the charts inappropriate.
Don Kline
My impressions of this gallery are similar. I too was selected for one of their exhibits, but after viewing the 59 other photos they selected, I became circumspect of their professionalism and the motivations of the gallery owners. The photos they select for each month’s exhibit vary greatly in image quality, compliance with theme, concept and originality; some of the photos they exhibit are quite good while many are not. (See past exhibits at http://www.1650gallery.com.)
1650 is upfront about the costs to photographers whose works are accepted for exhibit. The gallery charges one fee to submit up to 5 photos, and varying fees to print them and to return them. Other galleries print, matte, and frame all selected photos without cost to the photographer and return exhibited photos (if desired by the photographer) promptly for a smaller fee. Months later, I am still waiting for the (prepaid) return of my photo from 1650.
The most positive aspect of 1650 Gallery is that it is an actual, physical gallery. They even send photos of their opening receptions to participating photographers. It’s not too elegant. Every exhibit is comprised of 60 photos that are printed, framed and then hung in a hodge-podge manner in what appears to be a basement apartment (see Google maps) in a so-so neighborhood of L.A.
Dick Lavine
I had a similar problem seeing a show in which I had an image. They are apparently open from 7:30-10:30pm on Saturdays. That’s it!