Redux Contemporary Art Center
Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, SC
I applied to their call for exhibition proposals through Slideroom in June 2015 and paid a $40 entry fee with my submission. Artists were supposed to be notified of jury results by July 31, 2015. After hearing nothing from them, I emailed Redux in September 2015 regarding the status of my application and Stacy Huggins, the director responded informing me that jurying was still in progress and they would have results “very soon.” Again, I waited and I heard nothing from them. I wrote back to Stacy at Redux in December of 2015 and asked for a refund of my $40 application fee and she never responded. It is now December 2016 and I have still not received notification regarding my application. It appears that they have removed their call for proposals from Slideroom. Also note that Slideroom has no responsibility to applicants who apply to opportunities and pay fees via their site and get scammed. Redux? Forget it. I have messaged with several artists who said this used to be a well run organization but things have gone downhill in recent years.
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