Canada House Gallery

A reader sent this in, please add to this if you have experience here

“I’ve been working with many galleries for years and have had amazingly wonderful experiences. Most treat their artists very well. It isn’t easy being a gallery owner with all the expenses and difficulties.
Having said that, I would not deal with Canada House Gallery in Banff Alberta, after being treated in a very unfair manner in my opinion. I say this with a heavy heart because I would never say anything bad about a gallery unless I felt that I have been deeply wronged.”

  • Barb Pelham

    Wow – hello. This is Barb Pelham, owner of Canada House Gallery. I have owned Canada House Gallery for 16 years, and worked in it for decades before being owner. We really do strive to have excellent working relationships with our artists and amazing long-term relationships with our clients. Obviously, something went side-ways with our relationship with you…. and I would really like to know what happened, and learn from it. Please contact me and let me know how you’ve been deeply wronged. I am willing to listen and hear you out. Let’s get beyond this. Let’s talk.

  • Anonymous

    I am an artist represented by this gallery and I completely disagree with this persons assessment. I feel that Canada House Gallery is the perfect example of the artist/gallerist relationship, and during my own 30 year career…Believe me that I know it when a gallery is sideways, and this gallery is not. The owners and salespeople are kind, professional, consultative and always pleasant. They pay on time (usually within 15 days of the sale), promote well with a long list of worldwide clientele, have amazing exhibition space in a prime location and have had their business going for over 40 years. Their sales of my work are so brisque that most of the time, I can’t work fast enough to supply them. If all gallerists worked with their artists the way Canada House Gallery does, there wouldn’t be any need for this watchdog website.

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